Care for the future harvest begins before sowing
Specialists of the Azur-Niva Agrotechnology Combine remind that it is possible to increase the resistance of winter grain crops to climatic stresses with the help of plant growth regulators.
The use of new agricultural technologies makes it possible to obtain stable yields of grain crops even under unfavorable climatic conditions. This is very important for the Russian agro-industrial complex, because most of the acreage in our country is located in areas of risky and unstable agriculture. The most common in our country are winter wheat, rye and barley. They can produce high yields, but they are also affected by such unfavorable factors as exposure to low temperatures, high humidity, autumn or spring droughts and early spring frosts, as well as damage by pathogens. Agricultural technologists emphasize that there is a possibility of increasing the resistance of winter and spring grain crops to the above factors. This is, first of all, the use of plant growth regulators. Their use leads to an increase in yield and product quality, an increase in the resistance of cultivated plants to abiotic stresses. In addition, the use of growth regulators helps to increase the nonspecific immunity of agricultural crops.
Seed treatment with stimulants and specialized fertilizers during seed dressing is more economically efficient than when processing plants during the growing season. For 1 ruble invested in seed processing, it is easy to get a return of 10-20 rubles.
The more factors are taken into account when choosing a growth regulator and the more competently it is used, there is a greater effect you can get from it. The main factor influencing the choice of the drug is the climatic peculiarity of the region. It is also necessary to take into account the timing of sowing, moisture availability, varietal characteristics of the crop, the planned harvest, technical equipment, phytopathogenic background and much more. Even each field has its own characteristics. Therefore, using many years of experience in various regions of the country, the specialists of the Azur-Niva Agrotechnology Combine company recommend the following preparations for seed treatment: Kultimar (Spain), Form No. 1 (Russia), Bark P7% (Russia), Aquadon-Micro (Russia). To improve the contact of the tank mixture preparations with the seeds of the processed crops, the drug Aquasilk (Russia) works well. Aquasilk also promotes the penetration of mordants and nutrition into the grain.
A special fertilizer-the biostimulator Cultimar, produced from seaweed extract, is still not well known among agronomists-practitioners. The cultivator is designed for the development of plants, providing them with good conditions for development both at the initial stages of growth and during the active growing season.
The Cultimar contains meso-and microelements (Mg, S and B), amino acids, vitamins A, ALL in a balanced composition, which provides favorable conditions for growth and development, contributing to a high yield.
Free amino acids, which are part of the fertilizer, are biologically active substances that stimulate the growth and development of plants.
Vitamins increase the intensity of photosynthesis, the content of chlorophyll and soluble carbohydrates, stimulate the absorption of phosphorus, sulfur, calcium by plant roots and reduce the absorption of chlorine. Vitamins accelerate the growth of leaves, delay their death and favorably affect the rate of plant development. They have a positive effect on the accumulation of nitrogen compounds, contributing to the synthesis of the protein part and the assimilation of nitrogen.
The composition of the Cultimar fertilizer also includes important endogenous hormones belonging to the class of cytokinins. This is, in fact, an innovative solution, since few modern drugs used to stimulate growth contain cytokinins.
Today, the effect of these hormones on the plant's body is quite well studied. It is established that they activate cell divisions, stimulate seed germination, delay the aging processes of plant tissues, prolonging the life of leaves.
In an effort to get a high and high-quality harvest, it is very important to form a powerful, well-developed root system of plants at an early age of plant development. A good helper in this regard will be the Cultimar fertilizer, which is of interest at the stage of preparing seeds of winter crops for autumn sowing.
This fertilizer is used to increase field germination and seed germination energy, increase the resistance of plants to diseases and adverse weather conditions. The Cultimar stimulates the development of lateral and additional roots, thereby contributing to the development of the entire root system of the plant.
Cultimar is used when etching seeds with a semi-dry method.Consumption for various types of seeds is 0.5-1.0 liters per ton of seeds.
Form No. 1.
Form No. 1 is a concentrate obtained from compounds formed in environments isolated from air as a result of biochemical processes in natural conditions from plant and animal organisms that have ceased to exist.
Form No. 1 shows a certain biological activity and a non-specific stimulating effect, as a result of which the metabolism improves and energy consumption is minimized at different stages of plant vegetation.
This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is a universal source of energy for all biochemical processes occurring in plants:
- Helps to spend more efficiently the energy stored in the seeds at the initial stage of plant development.
- Removes the negative impact of the environment.
- Reduces the phytotoxicity of drugs.
- Allows you to increase the mass of the root system by 30% or more.
- Does not cause a delay in the development of the vegetative mass of plants.
Form No. 1 is used when etching seeds with a semi-dry method. Consumption for various types of seeds is 0.5 liters per ton of seeds.
Kora P7% fertilizer refers to the main fertilizers of direct use for direct plant nutrition. Phosphorus, which is part of the fertilizer Kora P 7%, is in the polymer matrix in ionic form, so it quickly penetrates directly into the plant cell and enters into metabolic processes.
The features of dissolving the Kora fertilizer allow you to apply fertilizer together with seeds. Kora fertilizer is recommended for use in pre-sowing seed treatment.
When seeds germinate, phosphorus immediately begins to enter the plant, contributing to the development of the root system, and thanks to the polymer matrix, it continues to be captured from the soil and enter the plants in the future.
Seed treatment Kora P7% - dosage 1 L/t.
Aquadon-Micro for vegetable crops is a complex fertilizer based on trace elements, which is used for fertilizing vegetable crops, as well as potatoes. The fundamental difference Aquadon-Micro differs from other trace element fertilizers in that Aquadon-Micro is a water-polymer high-molecular complex of long hydrocarbon chains, with trace elements attached to them. All trace elements that are part of the drug are in a chelated form, and thanks to the ionic-polymer and coordination bonds, they are not oxidized, but are absorbed by plants. Due to polymer chains, fertilizers are retained on root hairs and soil particles and have a long-term effect on the plant during various periods of vegetation. The conducted scientific and industrial tests allowed us to assert that the use of Aquadon-Micro stimulates plant growth, shortens the growing season (up to 10 days) and increases the content of vitamin C and the coefficient of use of traditional mineral fertilizers.Seed treatment Aquadon-Micro – dosage of 1 L/t.
Reviews of specialists of agricultural enterprises of the Chuvash Republic
Valery Grigoriev, chief agronomist of the Khoroshavin farm in the Tsivilsky district:
«We pay great attention to the nutrition of plants in our farm. It was with the introduction of mineral fertilizers that we had a lot of experiments. For example, the introduction of economical and effective growth stimulants Bark and Cultimar of winter wheat Bezenchukskaya 380. In total, four Azur-Niva preparations were used on this culture. When etching the seed material, Sprintalga was added, Form No. 1 was used for herbicidal treatment. The production experience with the treatment of drugs amounted to 18 hectares, but the records were kept on an area of 11 hectares. The result is as follows: on the variant with the use of drugs – 36.1 c / ha, without it – 29 c/ha. rom the general field, where other preparations were also used, we threshed 32 c/ha for a circle with 100 hectares of grain.
On winter rye of the Falenskaya variety, the registered area was 11 hectares. During the growing season, Kultimar was introduced, the consumption is 200 g per hectare. On the untreated control, the yield was 29 c/ha, with processing of 32.5 c/ha.
Barley of the Raushan variety was treated with the biostimulator of root formation Sprintagla, the consumption of 0.5 kg per ton of seeds. The yield on this site with the drug came out from a hectare of 27 quintals, on the control with another drug - 25.5 c/ha.
A good effect was obtained on the spring wheat variety Ekaterina. In the field area treated with Form No. 1, Aquadon-micro, Kora MPK, 48 c/ha were obtained, 41 c/ha were obtained at the control.
The farm grows a variety of wheat spelt spring Fleece. During herbicidal treatment, Form No. 1 was used. At the site where the preparations of the Azur-Niva Agrotechnology Combine were used, the average yield was 24 kg/ha, 21 quintals were obtained from one hectare at the control. The yield and quality of grain satisfy us.
We came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use the drugs for several seasons in order to draw certain conclusions. At the same time, we take into account not only the effectiveness of drugs, but also the economy. Therefore, we will continue production experiments on the use of growth stimulants, only now we have expanded the area under them and applied them to different precursors and varieties. This year, winter wheat Yumpa, Bezenchukskaya 380, Mironovskaya 808, Moskovskaya 39, 20 hectares each, were sown with preparations of the Azur-Niva Agrotechnology Combine.
Our fields are located along the highway, and Vyacheslav Nikolaevich-a representative of the Azur-Niva company often stopped by them on the way to other farms. Vyacheslav Nikolaevich will always share his experience and the experience of the farms with which he cooperates».
Anatoly Nikolaevich Mikhailov, Chief agronomist of JSC «Akkond-Agro Company»:
«Aquadon-Micro grain was used as a non-root (leaf) top dressing on barley with an area of 60 hectares.We worked on one predecessor, we spent two days sowing.
On 15 hectares with the use of Aquadon Micro, the yield was 33.5 quintals per hectare. I think he made a significant contribution to the harvest this year.With other processing systems, 30 and 32 quintals per hectare were obtained at the other two sites, respectively. At the control, the yield was 29.3 c/ha.
The farm received a good harvest of spring wheat – 34.1 c/ha on an area of 170 hectares, and with a fairly high quality of grain. At the rate of consumption of 1 l/ha, Aquadon-Micro coped well with its task. Of course, there is fodder, but the bulk is third-class grain with 26% gluten. Of course, the final price of products also depends on this. We will continue to use the products of the Azur-Niva Agrotechnology Plant in the future.
Our farm also grows corn for silage. Herbicidal treatment was carried out in the phase of 5-6 leaves with «Aquadon-Micro» for vegetable crops. The drug really stimulates the development of plants, the height of plants reached 3 m, we were pleased with well-ripened cobs».
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