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Asboro is a complex organic boron compound based on ethanolomine, enriched with plant-derived amino acids.

Asboro is a complex formula designed to act as an effective source of boron and combat the deficiencies of this mineral element, its action is directed directly at the germination of pollen grains, as well as increases and facilitates the transport of sugars inside the plant, which contributes to fruit filling.

It eliminates the hollowness of root crops, rotting of the core in cruciferous crops, increases the content of dryств в плsubstances in fruits, prevents crop tops associated with boron deficiency, and prevents abortion of grains and fruits.

Application and dosage

Root top dressing in SKO is 0.5-1l / ha.
Foliar top dressing – 0.2 – 0.3 l / ha.


B-10% in ethanolamine
Withobsit amino acids

Packing: 1L / 5L / 20L
Manufacturer: Asfertglobal

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